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FAQ For Providers & Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered the most common questions we receive from providers about KIDStherapyfinder.com. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at kidstherapyfinder@gmail.com.


What is KIDStherapyfinder.com?

KIDStherapyfinder.com is a community that promotes positive mental health and wellness for kids and teens.  We do this by making it easy for parents to find exceptional online providers, information, resources, and products for their children. We invite mental health counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other pediatric developmental therapists (OT, PT, SLP and ABA) to promote their services, as well as parent coaches, and advocates. We have also put together an amazing team of experts to answer questions from parents around the world about their children’s mental health and wellness.

Who is KIDStherapyfinder.com for?

KIDStherapyfinder.com is for EVERYONE!  Parents, caregivers, caseworkers, social workers, and other helping professionals can access KIDStherapyfinder.com for FREE.  

How do clients find providers on KIDStherapyfinder.com?

There is no required log in for viewing KIDStherapyfinder.com, so it's open to the public. 

There are several ways parents and other helpers can connect directly with providers in KIDStherapyfinder.com:

  1. Your custom profile:  You’ll LOVE how easy it is for parents to find you and understand the help and services you provide.  They can send you a message directly through our portal using your profile listing.
  2. Local search in KIDStherapyfinder.com:  Parents and helpers can search for you using our expanded search filters.

Once you become a member of KIDStherapyfinder.com, we will give you the support you need to set up your custom profile and start connecting with parents, helpers, and other providers.

What are the benefits of joining KIDStherapyfinder.com as a provider or retailer?

KIDStherapyfinder.com is the only mobile-friendly community of its kind that is solely focused on supporting child and teen mental health and developmental needs.  We do this by providing an extensive directory of virtual pediatric therapy service providers…and there is no app to download. 

There are some AWESOME features and benefits to joining KIDStherapyfinder.com as a pediatric provider:

  • Connect with clients directly who are actively looking for trusted providers like you.
  • Network with other KIDStherapyfinder.com providers and other professionals in supportive roles for families (pediatricians, schools, hospital social workers, adoption and foster care agencies) in our community who will use KIDStherapyfinder.com listings as a referral source for their clients.
  • Publish articles
  • List in multiple categories
  • Grow your brand awareness while reaching your ideal clients
  • Increase online visibility
  • Rank higher in Goggle with your backlink to your website
  • Stand out from competitors
  • Your information is shared across all major search engines
  • Connect with customers 24/7 - we are always open!
  • Display address, phone number, and website 
  • Click-to-call makes it easy for visitors to contact you
  • Upload your profile photo and logo
  • Publish photos and videos about your practice. Include a video introduction and/or tour of your office or program to form a connection with visitors to your profile
  • Add your brochures, event flyers, or other marketing materials directly to your profile through an easy PDF upload.  
  • Display social media links
  • Distinct QR code available for your profile
  • Self-service portal-update your listing in real time, anytime
  • Visitors select preferred language to view site

Providers have the option to enhance their listing for greater visibility with a paid subscription. Contact us at kidstherapyfinder@gmail.com for more information. 

These featured providers have enjoy the added benefits of:

  • Home page rotation
  • No competitor ads on listing page
  • Promote your products in our Marketplace 

My professional ethics prohibits me from asking for client reviews. What can I do about getting Google reviews?

This is a great question.  We know that many professions, such as counselors, are not able to solicit reviews from clients. Another effective way to build your online reputation is to ask your colleagues to “endorse” you by submitting reviews in the form of testimonials, just like other platforms (LinkedIn, Psychology Today, etc.).


How much does it cost to create a profile?

Nothing! KIDStherapyfinder.com is FREE to join! 

How do I join KidsTherapyFinder.com as a provider, program or retailer? 

Just contact us at kidstherapyfinder.com. We'd love to talk!

How long do I have to wait before my listing goes live?

To prevent spam, free listings must be pre-approved and are generally authorized within within 1-2 business days. 

What if I want to cancel my membership?

We are sure you'll love all that KidsTherapyFinder.com has to offer, but if at any time you wish to cancel your membership, you are free to do so. There is no contract. Just send us an email at KIDStherapyfinder.com  to let us know you would like to cancel your membership.


How will prospective clients find my listing with KidsTherapyFinder.com?

Great question!   We know that you're spending time creating listing because you are wanting to gain more clients. That’s why KIDSTherapyFinder.com has been submitted to all major search engines and is optimized (SEO). This helps our website become more discoverable. When potential customers search terms related to the services on our site in their area, they’ll have a better chance of discovering the KidsTherapyFinder.com website to find providers like you. We will soon start showing up in organic Google searches based on key word terms like "Child Play Therapist Therapy Near Me" and "In-Home Occupational Therapy".

We also promote KidsTherapyFinder.com in many ways (see next Q/A).

How do you promote KidsTherapyFinder.com?

Your listing with KidsTherapyFinder.com will enhance your marketing efforts as you widen your reach to your target market. Your KidsTherapyFinder.com listing is a great way to maximize your time and energy, plus did we mention it's FREE to join? You don’t have to spend your time reaching out to all of these prospects individually, because KidsTherapyFinder.com does it for you! Instead, you can focus on what you do best, caring for kids and families. And, in a time when many marketing events have been cancelled and providers have less opportunities for face-to-face marketing with their target market KidsTherapyFinder.com can bridge the gap.

  • KidsTherapyFinder.com strategically promotes the site to the people in the community who will use it.  We actively engage with parents and professionals on social media through our dedicated pages on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest and our participation in various online communities. 
  • We partner with community professionals such as pediatricians, hospital social workers, school counselors, foster/adoption agencies and state workers who use KidsTherapyFinder.com to help parents find resources. 
  • We take advantage of advertising opportunities as exhibitors at local, state, and national events and conferences, where parents and providers will be.
  • KidsTherapyFinder.com is a community of trusted providers and programs.  Your listing makes it easy for other members of our community to quickly find and share your information as a referral for their clients. 

How do you rank with Google?

We realize ranking in Google is absolutely essential to an online business. That’s why we have invested in SEO to get us ranked quickly and to maintain our SEO hold. SEO rules change month to month by Google so we do our best to stay up to date with the changes and make sure our website and our providers stay highly visible in searches.

In the meantime, as mentioned above, we are doing a lot of grassroots marketing. Our company was founded by a Social Worker/Registered Play Therapist with intimate knowledge of the pediatric mental health field. She has developed strong connections with other professionals in pediatric mental health and wellness across the US who are enthusiastic about our mission. 

How many site visitors are you getting per month?

We realize that having new and returning parents and professionals to find providers like you on KidsTherapyFInder.com is essential to our mission and to our providers. 

We are a relatively new company but we have thousands of views per month. We also have a strong Facebook following.

We are doing a lot of grassroots marketing to get the word out about our site, such as partnering with social workers, case managers and pediatricians who are sharing our site with their clients.


What if I am not tech savvy?

No problem, you don’t need to be! Adding your profile is NOT complicated. In most cases, you will be able to set up your complete custom profile in less than 10 minutes using information you already have.

KidsTherapyFinder.com is designed to be a self-serve portal.  You can use your log-in to update your listing anytime, in real time.  In fact, it's preferable to make changes as Google loves updates to your profile.

If you have any issues, email us at kidstherapyfinder@gmail.com or use our “Contact Us” tab on our site and we will be happy to walk you through how to set up your listing.

How do I join KidsTherapyFinder.com as a retailer, sponsor, or affiliate? 

Please contact us at KIDStherapyfinder@gmail.com.

How do I complete my listing?

We are excited you have joined KIDStherapyfinder.com as a provider.  We have created this video and listed the instructions to make it easy for you to get the information you need to complete your listing. Click <> for the video and instructions.  If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us at anytime using our contact button.

What if I have multiple locations?

You can definitely sign up for multiple locations.  

Please contact us if you have additional questions after watching our videos.

If you have one location but serve multiple zip codes, this video will help you make sure your listing covers those areas <>

What if I offer multiple services?

We have many provider clinics who offer multiple services to clients.  We offer you the ability to check all of the different services within our category structure that is compatible with your agency. For example, if you offer occupational therapy, physical therapy and ABA therapy, you may choose all of these as options when you are completing your listing.  For free listings, you may select one service.

I have multiple staff in my agency.  How do I add them?

If you have multiple staff and would like to highlight each one of them, this video explains how to do so. <>

How do I customize my profile or make changes?

KidsTherapyFinder.com is designed to be a self-service, user-friendly platform.  You can make changes in real-time, ANYTIME.

  1. First, login to your existing account HERE.   From your Member Dashboard (the first screen you see when you log in), scroll down to the “Update My Profile” section.
  2. Click on the red colored boxes for the specific section of your profile you’d like to update (Contact Details, Profile Photo, Main Service, About My Practice, etc.)
  3. Be sure and click “save and continue” before moving to another section!  The buttons are located at the top and bottom of your listing details screen.


How do I change my password (or I forgot my password)?

If you forgot your password, you can reset it HERE, using the email address you originally used to create your account.  If you’re already logged in and want to change your password, click HERE.

How do I post photos on my listing?

  • From the home page select “Member Login” or click “Join Now” to select a membership plan. After logging in, you will land on your account dashboard “My Dashboard”. 
  • In the main Publish Content section you will see an option to post a Photo Album. 
  • After selecting “Photo Album” you will be presented with several information fields. 
  • The first field allows you to publish your post immediately.  If you select no, it will still save and allow you to publish to a live status at any time. 
  • Next, title your Photo Album with an appropriate short title describing the photo set you are about to upload. 
  • Select the most appropriate category that fits your photo album
  • Next, is our Smart Tags feature.   This helps others easily find your photo content.  Add any relevant keywords and surface your photos during searches. 
  • Finally, enter a detailed description of the photo album.  Our site allows HTML and rich text to allow easy creation of related content, links, and information. 
  • When complete, be sure to hit “save and add photos” to store all entries or updates you have made. 
  • After saving, you will be taken to the second step to upload your images.  Select the Choose Images button or drag and drop images to the button to upload.
  • After selecting images, click the red confirm image upload button to upload. You are limited to 10 images at a time or less depending on your membership limit.
  • Please be patient as the system uploads your images.  You will receive a success popup when complete.  Click continue.
  • Images will now display below.   You will have options to rotate images, add a title and description or delete unwanted images.  Save changes to confirm edits.
  • To change the photo order, select the Photo Display Order tab. Simply drag and drop the images to your desired order. The first image will be the cover image.
  • When completed, click “Go Back”, or “Back to All Photo Albums” to see your Photo Album list.
  • Here you can now see that your albums are published, see view stats, select other actions such as “clone post” or “delete” and the option to post a new photo album.
  • You can get back to this photo album list at any time, by selecting “Photo Albums” from the left hand Dashboard menu.

Congratulations! Your Photo Album is now posted for viewing on your profile listing.

How do I post videos on my listing?

  • From the home page, select the “Member Login” or click “join now” to select a membership plan. 
  • After logging in, you will land on your Dashboard. In the main Publish Content section if your membership level allows posting videos you will see an option to place a video.. After selecting “video” you will be presented with several information fields. The first field allows you to publish your post immediately.  If you select no, it will still save and all you to publish to a live status at any time. 
  • Next, title your video with an appropriate short title describing the video. Select the most appropriate category that fits your video. Paste or type in your video link. Currently, we only support YouTube and Vimeo hosted video URL’s. 
  • Next, is our Smart Tags feature. This helps others easily find your video content.  Add any relevant keywords and surface your video during the proper searches. We are proud to bring you the latest in Google API integration. Simply add the address related to the video and select the address popup when it loads. 
  • Finally, enter a detailed description of the video.  Our site allows HTML and rich text to allow easy creation of related content, links, and information. When complete, be sure to hit save changes to store all entries or updates you have made. 
  • Once processed and saved, you will be able to immediately view your live post if published or preview if it is on hold.  
  • Click “Go Back” to see your video list. Here you can now see that your videos are published, see view stats, select other actions such as Clone post or delete, and the option to post a new video. You can get back to this video list at any time by selecting “videos” from the left hand dashboard menu. 

Congratulations!   Your video is now posted for viewing and searching on our Video Library, conveniently located under “What’s New” in the Main Menu. 

How do I post articles on my listing?

Posting an article works to attract more visitors to your profile. 

  • From the home page select “Member Login” or click “Join Now” to select a membership plan. After logging in, you will land on your account dashboard “My Dashboard”. 
  • In the main Publish Content section you will see an option to post a Community Article. After selecting “Community Article” you will be presented with several information fields. The first field allows you to publish your post immediately.  If you select no, it will still save and allow you to publish to a live status at any time. 
  • Next, title your article with an appropriate short title describing the article. Select the most appropriate category that fits your article. Example categories include: General, Press Release, …. Next, is our Smart Tags feature.  This helps others easily find your video content.  Add any relevant keywords and surface your article during searches. 
  • Finally, enter your article content.  Our site allows HTML and rich text to allow easy creation of related content, links, and information. 
  • Be sure and add an image for greater visibility and engagement.   Images sized 760 by 400 pixels is the system recommended size. After selecting your image and uploading, a thumbnail image will appear in the image box. When complete, be sure to hit “save changes” to store all entries or updates you have made. 
  • Once processed and saved, you will be able to immediately view your live post if published or preview if it is on hold.  Click “Go Back” to see your article list. Here you can see that your articles are published, see views, select other actions such as “clone post” or “delete” and the option to post a new article. You can get back to this article list at any time by selecting “articles” from the left hand dashboard menu. 

Congratulations! Your article is now posted for viewing and searching on our Article Library, conveniently located under “What’s New” in the Main Menu.

How do I add my logo or profile image?

  • Log into your account.
  • The area you will want to focus on for this task is the Manage Listing section.  Initially the buttons will be yellow but will turn green as info is added. 
  • To add a profile image, select the Profile Photo button. The photo section will now load. The profile photo is used and displayed for individual profiles and is geared for vertical photo type sizing.   This is not required for a business profile.  The profile log will be placed on the business listing.  It is recommended to upload a 200x200 pixel sized image.  Accepted formats are JPEG, GIF and PNG. 
  • For either image, select the “Upload Photo” or “Change Logo” button to begin to upload process.
  • A popup will appear for you to browse your computer for  the photo or log.  Click the red “choose logo” button to open your computer explorer window.
  • After adding the image, the site will upload the file.  You will see an overlay during upload.  When completed, you will see the image.  Click to confirm logo upload.
  • You will now see your photo added.   The same process applies to the Provide Cover photo.
  • When completed adding the images, click the green “Continue to Next Section” button to save and move to the next profile area.
  • To easily go to your profile and check your new photos, click the “View Public Listing” link in the upper left-hand side of your dashboard.

I'm a therapist and would like to add my products.

Awesome! Please contact us at KIDStherapyfinder@gmail..com

I'm a retailer and would like to add my products to "featured products." 

Great, the process is easy.  Please contact us at KIDStherapyfinder.com.



If you still have questions or need more support we are always happy to help.  You can reach us in two ways.

  1. Use our “Contact Us’ tab on our site HERE.
  2. Email us at KIDStherapyfinder@gmail.com 

After we connect, if your question requires a phone call we may set up a time to speak by phone or video conference.

Are you a pediatric mental health professional, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech and language therapist, PT, ABA therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist that provides services to kids and teens with mental health needs?  Create your profile so parents can find you. To get started, click HERE.

How can we help?

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