Sand Tray is a favorite intervention among many therapists. Collecting miniatures is fun, but it can also be expensive. We've created a list of our favorite places to find miniatures and creative ways to build your collection. Soome of the options can be done for little to no cost.
1. Retail Stores
2. Online Shopping
3. Reseale Finds
4. DIY Miniatures
Make your own miniatures using wood blocks, clay molding, stones, and other craft supplies.
5. Conferences
This can often be a great place to pick up items you can use for miniatures. Check out vendor booth swag and sign up for giveaways.
6. Things around your home.
Go throughout your junk drawers and craft supplies. You might also find useful miniatures from:
7. Ask friends who are cleaning out their children’s toys.
8. Nature
Rocks, twigs, leaves, seashells all make great additions to your sand tray miniature collection
9. Sign up for contests with online play therapy supply stores and at vendor booths at conferences. You might just be a winner!
10. Create a “Miniature Swap” with colleagues to trade out unused miniatures.
11. Buy trinkets on vacation that could be used.
12. Dollhouse furniture
13. Kids meal toys from fast food restaurants
14. Birthday party goodie bags
15. Novelty Erasers are another inexpensive way to add variety to your miniatures. You can buy collections from Amazon, Oriental Trading, Arts and Craft Stores and play therapy supply stores.
16. Purchase a sand tray kit from retailers like Amazon, Child Therapy Toys, Play Therapy Supply, and Toys of the Trade.
17. Buy from other therapists online in therapist Facebook groups or Etsy.
Other fun additions to your sand tray therapy room:
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