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Adventures in Parenting

Affordable On-Demand Support for Parents You Can Trust

Learn simple and effective positive parenting tools.

Launching May 2024 

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Access our library of on-demand parenting support.

You'll have guidance from a child-expert and parenting specialist whenever you need it. It's easy to download.  You'll also have advance notice to all future content and extras as they are added!

Tackle common parenting challenges and tough topics.

Based on the principles of positive, mindful, and connected parenting, this bite-sized parenting content is a great way to elevate your parenting and quickly get support on specific challenges with your child or teen. You'll find mindful tips, scripts, and effective strategies and solutions to confidently understand and resolve common parenting struggles and welcome more joy and harmony intro your parenting journey.

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Discover Ways To:

Increase cooperation

Strengthen connection with your child and in your family

Encourage strong emotional skills

Cultivate resilience

Lay the foundation for good mental health

Weather the storms when times are tough

Talk about tough topics with your child

Foster mindfulness in your child and your parenting

Nurture your child's self-esteem, navigate tantrums, foster empathy, and more!

Browse Parent Club Library

Popular Parenting Topics

Decrease Challenging Behaviors

Find helpful tips and strategies to improve cooperation with your child or teen. Learn practical techniques to handle tantrums, defiance, and communication issues. Explore our content for easy-to-follow guidance on building better relationships and reducing conflicts at home.

  • "How do I handle my child’s tantrums and outbursts?"
  • "What can I do when my child refuses to listen or cooperate?"
  • "How can I talk to my child/teen so they understand me better?"
  • "How can I get my child to do what I ask without a fight?"
  • "What should I do when my child gets really mad or aggressive?"
  • "Could something else be causing my child's negative behavior?"
  • "How do I keep calm when my child is acting up?"
  • "How can I set limits for my child over screen time without always causing arguments?"
  • "How do I get my child to do other things besides playing video games/watching tv?"
  • "What should I do if my child becomes resistant or defensive when I try to limit their screen time?"
  • "I struggle with setting boundaries for my child. How can I establish clear rules and consequences, especially when we are starting with none?"
  • I'm feeling stressed about my child's behavior.  How do I decrease/increase/get my child to do ________________________?

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View All Challenging Behavior

Tackle Tough Topics

Find essential parenting guidance to navigate challenging conversations with your kids. Whether it's addressing anxiety, bullying, divorce, grief, or other sensitive subjects, we're here to provide the support and resources you need. Learn effective strategies for communicating with your children about difficult topics and meeting their specialized needs with confidence and compassion.

  • "How do I talk to my child about _____________ (bullying, divorce, etc.)?"
  • "What's the best way to help my child who's feeling sad or anxious?"
  • "How can I explain difficult topics like death or illness in a way my child can understand?"
  • "What if my child asks me something I don't know how to answer?"
  • "Are there books or resources that can help me explain tough topics to my child?"
  • "How do I know if my child is ready to talk about a tough subject?"
  • "What if my child gets upset during our conversation?"
  • "Is there a way to make these conversations less scary for my child?"
  • "How do I show my child I'm here for them no matter what?"
  • "What if I'm feeling overwhelmed or unsure about talking to my child about a tough topic?"

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View All Tackle Tough Topics

Boost Your Child's Mental Health

Discover tools for nurturing your child's mental wellness. From cultivating a growth mindset to practicing mindfulness, we offer resources to promote resilience and help them develop good mental health. Equip your child with the skills and mindset needed for strong mental health and overall well-being.

  • "Does my child need therapy?"
  • "How can I help my child feel more confident and positive?"
  • "Are there things I can do to reduce my child's stress and worries?"
  • Our family is going through a major transition (such as divorce, moving, etc.). How can I help my child adjust?
  • "What's the best way to teach my child to work through it and not give up when things get tough?"
  • "How do I encourage my child to think positively and believe in themselves?"
  • "Are there activities or games that can help my child relax and stay calm?"
  • "What can I do to support my child's mental health every day?"
  • "How can I tell if my child is struggling with their mental health?"
  • "What should I do if my child seems sad or anxious?"
  • "How do I talk to my child about their feelings and emotions?"
  • "Are there resources or programs that can help my child build good mental health habits?"

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View All Mental Health Topics

Support for School-Related Topics

Find assistance for various school-related challenges, including motivation, low academic performance, difficult behaviors in the classroom, homework battles, and school refusal. We offer practical guidance and strategies to help your child thrive academically and socially. Explore our resources to empower both you and your child to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

  • "How can I motivate my child to do better in school when they seem disinterested or unmotivated?"
  • "What strategies can I use to help my child improve their grades?"
  • "How do I handle complaints from school/teachers about ________ (difficult behaviors) my child is exhibiting at school?"
  • "What can I do to decrease our homework battles and make homework time less stressful for us?"
  • "How do I support my child who is refusing to go to school?"
  • "How do I find help for advocating for my child's needs with their teachers and school staff?"
  • "How can I help my child make friends at school?"
  • "What resources or additional support services available to help my child succeed in school?
  • "How do I know if my child is being bullied at school, and what should I do?"
  • "What can I do to help my child cope with the effects of bullying, such as low self-esteem or anxiety?"

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View All School Related Topics

Nurture Parent-Child Connection

Building a strong bond with your child is essential for their mental health, emotional well-being and your relationship. Gain practical strategies and insightful techniques to nurture and strengthen the parent-child connection. From fostering open communication to creating meaningful rituals and special, playful moments together, you'll find ways to understand your child's needs, validate their emotions, and create a safe and supportive environment where they feel valued and understood. Build a deeper connection with your child at any age-from infants to toddlers, teens and in-between. 

  • "How do I get closer to my child while still keeping rules?"
  • "How can I connect with my child/spend more time with them, especially with our busy schedules?"
  • "What are some ways to get my child to open up and share their thoughts and feelings with me?"
  • "Are there specific activities or games that can help us bond as a family?"
  • "What should I do if I feel like my child is pulling away or not connecting with me?"
  • "How can I make sure my child feels loved and valued even during challenging times?"
  • "Are there daily routines or rituals that can strengthen our bond?"
  • "What can I do to build trust and understanding with my child?"
  • "How do I show my child that I'm there for them, no matter what?"
  • "How can I improve communication and connection with my child?

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View All Parent-Child Connection

Add to Your Parenting Toolkit

This is your go-to resource for acquiring specific strategies and skills to handle various parenting situations effectively. Whether you're facing challenges with communication, boundary-setting, or empowering your child, we provide scripts, insights and practical skills that you can apply in your everyday interactions with your child. Strengthen your parenting toolkit and navigate parenthood with confidence! Dive into topics such as active listening, using I-messages, setting healthy boundaries, practicing positive parenting, and much more. 

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Nurture Sibling & Family Relationships 

Family and sibling relationships play a crucial role in a child's development, shaping their social skills, emotional intelligence, and sense of belonging. We provide the tools and guidance you need to nurture thriving relationships among your children and within your entire family. We will help you cultivate strong and harmonious connections within your family.

  • What are some ways to respond when my child complains that things aren't fair in our family/with their sibling?"
  • "How do I help my kids get along better and care for each other?"
  • "What can I do when my kids seem to be constantly fighting or arguing?"
  • "How do I make sure each of my children feels loved in our family?"
  • "How can I get my kids to work together?"
  • "What if one of my children feels like they're not as important as their siblings?"
  • "How can we create fun things to do together as a family?"
  • "What should I do if my kids can't solve a problem on their own?"
  • "What do I do if one kid feels jealous or left out?"
  • "How can I make sure everyone feels happy and respected in our family?"
  • “How can we build strong relationships between step-siblings/or with my stepson/daughter?"
  • "How do I navigate differences in parenting styles between myself and my partner or ex-partner?"
  • "What are some way to help my child bond with me as their foster or adoptive parent?"
  • "How can I address questions or concerns my child may have about their birth family? How do I handle sensitive topics related to adoption or fostering with my child?"
  • "How can I handle (behavioral challenge) related to my child’s past trauma/experiences?"
  • We are going to adopt/foster.  How should we prepare our kids and ourselves for this big change?
  • How can my partner/ex-partner get on the same page about our child?
  • How do I help my child transition from their other parent's home with different rules after a visit.

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View All Siblings & Family Topics

Skills to Prepare Your Kids for Life 

We are empowering parents with the knowledge and tools to raise resilient, capable, and independent children. Intentional parenting goes beyond just meeting the immediate needs of your children; it involves equipping them with essential life skills that will serve them well into adulthood. In this collection, you'll discover practical strategies, proven techniques, and expert guidance to foster skill-building and independence in your children. 

  • "Is it okay to allow my children to stop doing activities they've started if they're not enjoying them or don't want to continue?"
  • "At what age should I start assigning chores to my child, and how do I determine age-appropriate tasks?"
  • "What are the benefits of giving my child an allowance, and how much should I give?"
  • "Should allowance be tied to completing chores, or should it be separate?"
  • "Am I expecting too much/too little from my child?"
  • "What specific life skills should I focus on teaching my child, and at what age should I start?"
  • "How can I help my child develop effective communication and problem-solving skills?"
  • "How can I encourage my child to take initiative and responsibility for their own tasks and decisions?"
  • "What role should I play in guiding my child's exploration of interests, careers, colleges, etc. as we think about life beyond high school?"
  • "How can I encourage my child’s independence while still setting boundaries and providing support and guidance?"
  • "What should I do if my child seems resistant or uninterested in learning life skills?"
  • "How can I monitor and track my child's screen time to make sure they are safe?"
  • "How much screen time is too much for my child, and how can I set reasonable limits?"
  • My child is leaving the nest and I'm struggling.  How can I prepare him/her and myself?

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View All Life Skills

Enhance Social-Emotional Development

Social-emotional skills are essential for building healthy relationships, managing emotions, and thriving in various life situations. In this collection,  you'll discover invaluable resources, actionable strategies, and expert advice to help your child develop strong social skills, emotional intelligence, and resilience. From fostering empathy and communication to teaching self-regulation and coping strategies, we provide the tools and techniques to support your child's holistic development and prepare them for success.

  • "How can I tell if my child is having a hard time with their feelings, and what can I do to help?"
  • "What are some easy ways to teach my child about feelings and how to talk about them?"
  • "How do I help my child make friends?"
  • "How can I help my child learn to share and get along?"
  • "What should I do to help my child when they're upset or mad?"
  • "How can I help my child feel comfortable talking about their feelings with me?"
  • "How can I help my child/teen who is having problems with other kids at school/in the neighborhood/on the bus, etc.?"
  • "How do I help my child learn how to be a good friend?"
  • "How do I make sure my child knows they can always talk to me about anything?"
  • How do I support my child through _________________________?

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View All Social-Emotional

Taking Care of Yourself

We're dedicated to supporting parents in prioritizing their own well-being amidst the demands of parenthood. As a parent, it's easy to prioritize the needs of your children and neglect your own self-care. However, taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining physical health, emotional well-being, and overall happiness. In this collection, you'll find valuable resources, practical strategies, and expert guidance to help you prioritize self-care, manage stress, and nurture your own physical, emotional, and mental health. From establishing healthy boundaries to practicing mindfulness and practicing self-compassion, to managing anxiety, and reparenting, we provide the tools and techniques to help you thrive as a parent and role model self-care and mental wellness for your children.

  • "There’s always so much to be done. How can I prioritize taking care of myself without feeling guilty about taking time away from my children/home?"
  • "What are some practical self-care activities I can incorporate into my daily routine, even with a busy schedule?"
  • "How do I set boundaries to protect my own time and energy as a parent?"
  • "Are there strategies for managing stress and preventing burnout while juggling so many demands of parenthood?"
  • "How do I navigate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety as a parent?"
  • "What are some mindfulness techniques I can use to stay present and reduce stress?"
  • "I’m really hard on myself. How can I overcome feelings of guilt, regret, or inadequacy as a parent?"
  • "How do I take care of my own mental health while parenting a child with mental health needs?"
  • "How can I model healthy self-care habits for my children and teach them the importance of prioritizing their own well-being when we are all so busy?"

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View All Parent Care